About Katz Radio Group
The Nation’s Largest One-stop
Media Partner for Radio Advertising

Want to get the word out? No one else even comes close.
No other company can match the massive reach, local targeting abilities and effectiveness of Katz Radio Group. With 240 million weekly listeners across the country, Katz Radio Group has the largest reach of any radio representation company in America, representing every major radio group with more than 3,500 radio stations and thousands of digital platforms.
As for scaling big ideas, we think you’ll be equally impressed. Whether you want one idea that sounds local in a hundred different markets or a hundred unique ideas, we have your size. On any given day our activation teams are launching or maintaining dozens of campaigns in hundreds of markets.
But the biggest difference? We believe the key to our success is your success. Katz Radio Group specializes in staying aligned with your goals to deliver only the best marketing solutions on the most well targeted audio platforms.