Katz Agricultural Marketing
76% of Farmers Listen to
Ag Radio 5+ Days Weekly
Ag Radio is a Critical
Source of Daily Ag News

One-stop partner for customized agricultural radio marketing.
Ag radio is a constant and vital source of daily agriculture information for the 3.1 million U.S. farmers and ranchers. It provides these decision makers with real-time information on issues impacting their operation, today, tomorrow, and beyond. Ag radio connects the listener to local ag news, ag-specific weather forecasts, market commentary, and global agriculture news. Farm broadcasters are credible influencers and a critical connection between the ag consumer and the ag advertiser.
Katz Media’s Agriculture Marketing division is the renowned consultant in the Agri-Marketing industry. Katz represents the majority of the top NAFB (National Association of Farm Broadcasting) accredited Ag radio stations and networks in the country offering AMR (Agricultural Media Research ratings), account planning services, and access to the country’s top rated farm broadcasters – all with single-source execution.